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First day of school...
And here I am, on my “first day of school””" at Microsoft, starting a “new-old” adventure.
Old because I’ve been working with these products daily for 17 years and because I will meet many people I already know.
New because, in my new role as a Cloud Solution Architect, the perspective from which I will see them is definitely different and exciting.
Let’s get started! 🤩
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Riccardo Corna (@itspecialistcloud)
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Dedicated to Vittorio Bertocci
Today, I take a moment for a little reflection. Just a couple of months ago, I had started reading this book by Vittorio Bertocci because I felt the need to review some important concepts in the field of authentication protocols.
After reading some passages from the book, I found myself exclaiming in my head several times, “Okay… now I get it! Couldn’t they explain it like this in the official documentation?
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Back from holidays!
I haven’t sat in front of a computer for almost a month. Usually, when I sit at my home workstation, it feels like an extension of my body, given the amount of time I spend there daily for most of the year.
However, this morning, after nearly a month, I sat down to export the photos from my trip. I wasn’t accustomed to it anymore; being at the computer felt almost unnatural and uncomfortable.
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Have a great summer 2023!
Revamp of the workstation: before and after! I haven’t finished completely yet, but I’m already thrilled.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Riccardo Corna (@itspecialistcloud)
From the photo, they seem very similar, but I assure you it was a lot of work spread over two weekends of wiring and cable ties, in the cable tray under the desk.
Finally, the ring light is in front along with the camera, and using the same support, I can also hold the microphone, all clamped to the desk without heavy and bulky stands.
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New Video Series: The Lab Series!
📰 News: Starting this week, I will be experimenting with a new format called “The Lab Series” in addition to the usual videos.
❓ What is “The Lab Series”? It will be a video of no more than a couple of minutes, without me blabbering, just pure content, like a little pill.
❓ What will it be about and who is it aimed at? It will cover practical and straightforward topics that 95% of professionals consider trivial or obvious but may not be so for someone else.
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Introducing the Microsoft Mac Admins Community!
Here’s the news we love on Mondays! 😍 Introducing the Microsoft Mac Admins Community, a new online community for IT professionals passionate about using Microsoft products on Apple Mac devices within enterprises!
Here’s a direct quote:
“This community is a place where Mac administrators working with Microsoft 365 or Intune management for Mac can connect with other users, share experiences and best practices, learn from experts and colleagues, get help with common issues, and draw inspiration from the latest innovations.
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New Twitter profile
If you’re interested, I’m starting from scratch on Twitter with a brand new profile. There, I’ll be primarily writing in English.
Why? Several reasons:
To get used to using English more frequently: I read a lot of content in this language every day, but I go through (too) long periods without writing or speaking it. Because in the Microsoft sphere on Twitter, there are truly unmissable profiles and content, and the MVP community there is very active.