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Dedicated to Vittorio Bertocci

Dedicated to Vittorio Bertocci, a prominent figure in the field of Identity technologies, passed away in October 2023.

Today, I take a moment for a little reflection. Just a couple of months ago, I had started reading this book by Vittorio Bertocci because I felt the need to review some important concepts in the field of authentication protocols.

Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web Applications

After reading some passages from the book, I found myself exclaiming in my head several times, “Okay… now I get it! Couldn’t they explain it like this in the official documentation?”

There’s no better book than this to understand the fundamentals of this topic. Vittorio was the quintessential author who, when writing, took upon himself the responsibility of conveying difficult concepts to the reader in the best way possible, explaining them simply and clearly, and providing truly useful definitions for those who need to learn.

Whenever I tackle a challenging topic in my articles or videos, I’ve always thought that I would be happy to achieve even just 10% of what he was so good at doing, and that would be enough to provide valuable content.

Vittorio Bertocci has been and will continue to be a source of inspiration for anyone working in this field and creating content to share with the community.

Your IT Specialist, Riccardo