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Back from holidays!

I haven't sat in front of a computer for almost a month. This morning, as I sat down at my workstation, I experienced an unusual sensation. I take it as a good sign that the vacation had its effect :)

I haven’t sat in front of a computer for almost a month. Usually, when I sit at my home workstation, it feels like an extension of my body, given the amount of time I spend there daily for most of the year.

However, this morning, after nearly a month, I sat down to export the photos from my trip. I wasn’t accustomed to it anymore; being at the computer felt almost unnatural and uncomfortable. I take it as a good sign that the vacation had its effect. 😃

It’s challenging to summarize a trip like this (Indonesia, Bali, and Lombok) in just 10 photos, but I’ve tried with this tiny gallery.

Getting back to those dreadful topics that we love so much 🤣 (Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, cloud, security), I’m using this time to put together the pieces of an editorial plan that can be useful and interesting for you, with articles and videos that are unique and special.

I will likely resume publishing from the end of September. See you soon!

Your IT Specialist, Riccardo