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New Video Series: The Lab Series!

News: starting this week, in addition to the usual videos, I will be experimenting with a new format titled 'The Lab Series'.

📰 News: Starting this week, I will be experimenting with a new format called “The Lab Series” in addition to the usual videos.

What is “The Lab Series”? It will be a video of no more than a couple of minutes, without me blabbering, just pure content, like a little pill.

What will it be about and who is it aimed at? It will cover practical and straightforward topics that 95% of professionals consider trivial or obvious but may not be so for someone else.

Why should it be useful? While building the labs I use for creating the videos you have seen so far, there is a lot of work involved in constructing the actual lab and its prerequisites. Sometimes, these are simple tasks that many take for granted, such as promoting a server to a Domain Controller, installing an AAD Application Proxy, and so on. These are things that require just a few clicks in a lab environment but may not be obvious to everyone. I believe it is always helpful to have a “visual” tutorial even for the simplest tasks because that’s what I wish I had found online when I started this profession 16 years ago 😉

What about the other videos? The Lab Series will be an addition to the usual videos I have produced so far, so no worries, you will still get to see my face 🤣

Do you like the idea? Let me know by commenting below 👇🏻, let’s discuss it together!

🗓️ Mark your calendars for this Wednesday, 28/6, for the very first episode of “The Lab Series,” I’ll be waiting for you!

📺 To make sure you don’t miss any content, follow me here on Twitter, on LinkedIn and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

See you there!
