Today for me is a bit of a “Blue Friday” instead of “Black Friday”. The day after the WPC is a bit like Epiphany, which takes away all the holidays: you have that feeling of a celebration you wish would never end but, sooner or later, it comes to an end.
However, it really takes very little to get back to smiling!
I think back to all the friends I saw again (sorry if I don’t tag you but there are too many to name here, you know who you are ❤️), the people I met and finally got to shake hands with after interacting so much online (Nicola Ferrini, Nino Crudele, Emanuele Bartolesi).
I think back to how much I learned from watching the sessions of my colleagues (Maura Perra, Francesca Imperato, Marco Saracco, Cecilia Ravera, Sheila Scialanga) and the communities, and above all, I still feel the adrenaline from my session and the ton of questions I received afterward, a sign that everything went well and that the topic was very engaging.
Finally, I am super excited about the new ideas and community activities that we will try to implement as soon as possible, right Pietro Visentin e Francesco Facco? Not to mention the wonderful thing that Silvio Di Benedetto e Irene Bugatti have in mind (Editor’s note: Irene’s sneakers 🔝🔝🔝). No spoilers though! 😅
So, thanks to OverNet, Michele Sensalari e Alessandro Appiani for the impeccable organization of the event, for selecting my proposal once again, and for the trust you always make me feel.
Thanks to those who attended my session: it is always difficult to carve out time for training, let alone 3 days of the event. Being in the room to follow a speech on the 3rd day of the event means having a lot of passion, curiosity, and great determination to add value to your training. It is not taken for granted.
To everyone else, keep following our community activities online and our content, but above all, see you soon at the next events!
Your IT Specialist,